Intuitive Emotional Wellness
Through compassionate dynamic psychotherapy, parts identification, deep intuitive development and archetypal awareness, release limiting beliefs, let go of defenses and false narratives to heal trauma and to live a life of thriving.
Psychedelic Integrative psychotherapy.
Shamanic Counseling
Practiced for thousands of years throughout the world in ancient cultures and modern civilizations, through prana and drumming, shift consciousness from the external world to the sacred inner transpersonal realm accessing your unique innate inner healing intelligence.
*Shamanic Counseling and healing are not clinical psychotherapy. To further explore please contact me.
Sacred Sound Integration
The world is vibration and frequency. With crystal bowls, tuning forks and various cosmically tuned healing instruments, flow into the sacred sound current for achieving somatic balance and harmony.
Archetypal Consulting
Archetypes are innate universal patterns that organize how one experiences life. Through an intuitive process, ancient mystical teachings, and Jungian analytical psychology discover your Archetypes for deeper insights into your life, to remember your authentic self creating a clear path to your life’s purpose.